We are
Of course, TRANSVESTIA cannot afford to do this by itself. not out to make money with this project. We are, however, willing to take on this mammoth task because we realize the intensity of the need and believe that this is about the greatest service that TRANSVESTIA could render its readers.
If we can sign up a minimum of 35 single men who can afford $25 each for this gamble we will proceed with the first 5000 trial run. This cost is not inconsiderable but the stakes are pretty great too, aren't they? For your investment you will receive the cooperative benefit of all of the above, plus your description listed in the folder sent to all women replying, and the forward- ing of the initial letters back and forth. After 3 or 4 letters have been exchanged each should be willing to give name and address or the correspondence should be dropped as fruitless. We can, of course, make no guarantees about the total success of the project nor can we be sure that a woman will pick any given member to re- ply to. But we do feel that it will work.
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If the idea works as well as we expect many of you will find wives and sweethearts. But if you don't.....if all you find is a woman whom you can talk to and be accepted by then the thera- peautic value alone, the increase in self acceptance should be worth more to you than the $25 fee.. This is going to cost you a new dress.....it could mean nothing and it could give you much peace and happiness.
If you are single....think this is a good idea.. and are willing to gamble with your "sisters" toward the working out of this plan, then we at CHEVALIER PUBLICATIONS are willing to gamble the time and trouble to do it. Send your $25 in at once. We will keep you informed as to the progress of the idea. If we don't find 35 subscribers to the idea we will drop it and refund the money. So from here on its up to you.
ONE IMPORTANT FINAL NOTE: We at Chevalier operate on the principle of "to each his own" and tolerance toward others whose interests are different than our own. However, in view of the attitudes of the Post Office and society about various behavior patterns we wish to make clear that this project is designed exclu- sively for F.Pis............ ....that is persons who are heterosexual but have a feminine side to their life. We do not solicit and will not per- mit the introduction of bondage, domination, or bisexuality into this.